Friday, December 24, 2010

[FLASHBACK] MARKUS WOLF – Former East German Stazi Hired by Homeland Security to Set Up Soviet-Block Tyranny Here

(the amount of tyranny we will get is exactly the amount we will put up with . . . these moves to place the noose around the neck of the United States and what made it great have been hard to believe . . .so hard to believe that most just shake their heads and go on trying to "adjust", thinking that it just can't happen here . . . I don't have the "answer", but I know that the LEAST I can do is try to help others see at least what I can see, and try to overcome the temptation to "whisper" about it . . . I guess that as long as people continue to buy the 911 Lie, they will put up with practically ANYTHING, thinking that the government is doing this because it has to . . . but even these people have to ask themselves whether 911 is the reason that they are poisoning our vaccines, food, air & water??)

KGB Chieftain Finds Home at Homeland Security
by Mike Whitney
January 21, 2005

"Security and liberty go hand-in-hand. Members of Congress, like too many Americans, don’t understand that society with no constraints on its government cannot be secure. History proves that societies crumble when governments become more powerful than the people and private institutions." [1]

–Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas)

Why would Homeland Security hire former Stasi chief Markus Wolfe and former head of the KGB General Yevgeni Primakov?

Is this part of the Bush anti-terror strategy? After all, Wolfe is the man who is credited with building up the feared East German secret police that was responsible for the disappearance and deaths of thousands of citizens. And, Primakov’s record is not any better. As skipper of the KGB he was driving force behind the machinery of state terror; a legacy that still has a chilling affect on many Russians.

Now, apparently, they’ve found a new place to hang their hats at Homeland Security. Or have they? Perhaps, the numerous stories on the internet are just fabrications intended to mislead independent research. That’s certainly one possibility. But, consider this; for those who have followed the activities of the current administration (the torture, the deception, the death squads, the destruction of Falluja) stories like this are difficult to discount. As a matter of fact, the hiring of Primakov and Wolfe seems fairly consistent with the long-term goals of the Bush team.

We already know that there’s a power struggle within the government from the number of top agents who have been jettisoned at the CIA. Why not develop a new Security apparatus under the auspices of a proven loyalist like Michael Chertoff? (the new appointee at Homeland Security) That would require the expertise of a couple of old pros who can help-out with the basics and get the machinery of state repression clanking along?

The move is not unprecedented either. As Noam Chomsky points out, in SS officer Klaus Barbie, "The Butcher of Lyon" was employed by the US Army after WW2 to "spy on the French." [2] Col. Eugene Kolb of Army counterintelligence later admitted that Barbie’s "skills were badly needed… His activities had been directed against the underground French Communist party and the resistance’ who were targeted for repression by the American liberators". ("What Uncle Sam Really Wants") Other Nazi leaders were also used in counterintelligence operations in Italy. They were regarded as "specialists in anti-resistance activities."

Primakov has allegedly been hired to oversee the issuing of federal IDs. Now that the new Intelligence Reform Act has passed, (uniform) federal standards will be required for licenses within two years. All the citizens personal, credit and biometric history will be stored on one small document. No one will drive a car or get on a plane without one. Don’t leave home without it, or else.

The new federal ID will be required in all financial transactions. Details will be electronically transferred to Office of Internal Security (which falls under the authority of Homeland Security), which will keep "threat files" on each citizen. Ultimately, the ID will be used as an "internal passport" (Primakov’s words) so the government can keep tabs on the movements of every citizen; to keep us safe, of course.

Sound Orwellian? This is what our "freedom loving" Congressmen and Senators overwhelmingly supported in the Intelligence Reform Act. Most of its provisions were written nearly a full year earlier as part of Patriot Act 2. It slipped by the media without a whimper of dissent. There’s also plenty of "enhanced powers" for the President; like the ability to incarcerate suspects indefinitely without charges. But, then, George would never abuse that authority, would he?

Apparently, there’s a Patriot Act 3 in the hopper, too. Investigative journalist Al Martin believes that this new addition will be intended to "establish the internal mechanism to coordinate, as an official function of state, a system of informants."

"System of informants"? The land of the free and the home of the snitches.

This must be where a man with Markus Wolfe’s unique talents fits in. As Stasi king-pin he reportedly groomed an impressive network of moles, finks and stool-pigeons. His professional know-how will probably be soothing balm to the quick-learners at Homeland Security. It’s bon voyage to the enemies of the State.

Of course, all of this could just be more paranoid, conspiratorial claptrap?

After sitting through 45 minutes of President Windy’s delusional ramblings of "global liberation", that seems rather unlikely. Our national nightmare is grounded in some very real changes in the law, and we already know how far these people will go.

The political remedies to the Bush onslaught are diminishing by the day and the observations of Texas congressman Ron Paul are looking increasingly more prophetic. Paul said, "Those who believe a police-state can’t happen here are poor students of history. Every government, democratic or not, is capable of tyranny. We must understand this if we hope to remain a free people."

Mike Whitney lives in Washington state, and can be reached at:


Thanks to Al Martins, "Get Ready for the USSA" (United Soviet States of America), Behind the scenes in the Beltway (

[1] Representative Ron Paul (R-Texas) "It Can’t Happen Here"

[2] Noam Chomsky, What Uncle Sam Really Wants (Odonian Press, 1992), page 18.


Tyranny Comes to Amerika
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
March 5, 2005

The "suicide" deaths of Hunter Thompson, Gary Webb and J.H. Hatfield show that reporters who expose the criminal activities of our political elite are risking their lives.

They are on the front line of freedom. When they are killed, it means very bad things are in store.

In the latest issue of "World Currency Review," veteran British intelligence analyst Christopher Story warns us to expect a tyranny in America worse than Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia. I’ll elaborate below.

Hunter Thompson was killed late last month. He was working on stories dealing with a homosexual callboy (or programmed sex slave?) ring in the Bush White House and the demolition of the World Trade Center.

Gary Webb was killed in December. His specialty was the Cocaine Import Agency (CIA).

J.H. Hatfield "committed suicide" in 2001. His book "Fortunate Son: George W. Bush and the Making of an American President" was actually withdrawn by the publisher during the 2000 election campaign. About 100,000 copies were actually burned!

In the book, Hatfield established that G.W. Bush was convicted of cocaine possession in 1972. His father had the record expunged.

Otherwise Hatfield’s book is quite positive about Junior. I never thought El Presidente had the wit to fly a jet fighter. Two other details caught my attention:

One of the original investors in Daddy Bush’s Zapata Oil was Eugene Meyer, a Chairman of the Federal Reserve, a war profiteer and the publisher of the Washington Post. The Bushes were always operatives for the Illuminati bankers.

And when Junior was looking for investors in Arbusto Oil, James Bath staked him. Bath was a close business associate of Osama Bin Laden’s father! This supports my contention in "Bush, Bin Laden Serve the Same Master" that the globalist elite directs the War of Terror against the American people.


Christopher Story is the author of "The New Underworld Order: Triumph of Criminalism and the Global Hegemony of Masonic Intelligence,"(available from

I haven’t read it yet but I have read the latest (winter 2004-2005) issue of his"International Currency Review."

Story has extensive contacts in the Intelligence Community. Essentially his view is that, despite the supposed "fall" of Communism (See Anatoly Golitsyn’s The Perestroika Deception) the Illuminati bankers continue to use Russia, and specifically the KGB successor agencies to foster their world tyranny, which he defines as:

"The destruction of the nation state and its replacement by regional and global governance systems, with a small, self-appointed elite controlling the world’s resources at the expense of everyone else, for their own benefit. This is the essence of the world revolution through which we are living."

Story says that this "revolution" uses corruption and criminalism as instruments. Soviet intelligence operatives were literally retrained as criminals and infiltrated into Europe and the U.S. He says the US intelligence community also is used to foster moral corruption partly to blackmail and bribe holders of public office. No elected official "can move," he says.

"In this coup d’etat by installments, the US intelligence community has impregnated and corrupted the republican form of democratic governance by blackmail…and by always ensuring that its own personnel occupy the most important policymaking posts. In this respect there is no difference between the US and Soviet Systems."

This is literally true in terms of personnel. The list of "former" KBG generals working for the new Dept of Homeland Security includes Yevgeny Primakov, Alaxander Karpov and Oleg Kalugin. These men continue to serve "the covert Communist Party of the Soviet Union." (82)

The Dept. of Homeland Security, headed by Israeli-US joint citizen Michael Chertoff, is accountable to the President only. Its entire dealings are secret. It operates with impunity.

Story writes: "The language of Patriot Act II is believed to be lifted almost verbatim from…the Soviet Internal Security Enhancement Act (1965). A system of internal spying is being installed…along East German STASI lines [with help of consultant] East German STASI General Marcus Wolf." (130)

In an interview, Primakov volunteered that when the National Identity Card act (NICA) is passed, the Posse Comitatus Act is overturned, and other forms of repressive legislation are approved, "the White House will have acquired greater control over the American people than the Kremlin could exert when Stalin was alive." (82)

Story says that "the volume of official criminal operations and funds stolen have exceeded mind boggling numbers…only the most draconian control mechanisms can ever guarantee the immunity of all the high-level perpetrators…from exposure, arrest, indictment or worse." (110)

He reminds us of George H.W. Bush’s comment that "if the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts."

The "draconian control mechanisms" include the construction of an American Gulag, a system of "prison camps" in army installations, euphemistically known as the "Civilian Inmate Labor Program." The same thing has happened in Canada.


Christopher Story is describing the stealth Communist takeover of the USA. How better do it when everyone is thinking Muslims, and our elected officials are too corrupt and compromised to protect us?

The Illuminati puppeteers appear to be setting the stage for a world war between the US and Israel on the one hand, and Iran, Russia and possibly Europe and China on the other. The Iraq war is a proxy war like the Spanish Civil War. According to Story, the Russian GPU prepared the Iraqi insurgency.

World War may be preceded by a breakdown in the world financial system prompted by financial and criminal excesses or the abandonment of the US dollar.

Or a "terrorist" event could provide an excuse to impose martial law, the draft, confiscate gold etc.

I almost didn’t write this week. I felt like taking a break from this stuff. Spring is teasing us here in the North where I live. The days are getting longer.

Divorced from our real history, we are taught to think of concentration
camp, plague, mass slaughter and secret police as things from a benighted past.

The events of Sept 11 have brought us back to rude reality. The forces
responsible for the excesses of Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia are
responsible for 9-11. They still rule the world.

The Internet is abuzz. The American sheeple are stirring. Wolves have slaughtered some at the edges. Three thousand at the World Trade Center; ten thousand in Iraq; some reporters.

The sheeple hope they will be spared if they keep their head down and
play stupid. If history is an indication, this won’t be the case.

Sheep get slaughtered.

Ex-Stasi Spy Chief Markus Wolf Hired By Homeland Security?

Prison Planet | December 6 2004

Political analyst Al Martin, who has in the past proven accurate in getting ahead of the news curve, is reporting that Homeland Security have hired former Stasi head, the ‘Silver Fox’ Markus Wolf.

Martin states,

“Wolf is the man that effectively built the East German state intelligence operation’s internal directorate,” Martin continues. “He turned half the population into informants. That is his specialty, is taking a population, constructing the various state divisions, mechanisms of control, in order to organize informants within the population. That is his real specialty. And that is precisely, as Primakov has intimated, why Wolf is being brought in. The regime knows that once all of Patriot II is in law and they begin working on Patriot III, they will then begin to establish the internal mechanism to coordinate, as an official function of state, a system of informants. Wolf’s speciality was to turn East Germany into the greatest and most efficient informant state ever created.”

On a radio appearance earlier today Martin stated that the admission that Wolf would be hired was made in a BBC radio interview given by the former head of the KGB, General Yevgeni Primakov.

Martin had previously reported that Primakov had been hired as a consultant by the US Department of Homeland Security to implement CAPPS II and the national iD card system which he dubbed an ‘internal passport’.

Sources close to Martin have told Alex Jones confidentially that the appointment of Wolf was also confirmed by a US Congressman.

During his radio interview, Martin outlined the immediate agenda. The remaining portions of the 9/11 Commission intelligence reccomendations which include the introduction of a national ID card would be passed and subsequently ‘Patriot Act 3,’ which would include the formal establishment of a Stasi-like domestic spying organisation which would be similar in scope to the TIPS program.

TIPS, which was supposedly nixed by Congress, would have recruited one in twenty-four Americans as domestic informants, a higher percentage than was used by the Stasi in East Germany.

Government funding was cut but private funding continues and the same program was intriduced under a number of sub-divisions including AmeriCorps, SecureCorps and the Highway Watch program.

After the passage of Patriot Act 3 Wolf and Primakov would be tapped for their expertise in further collapsing America into a surveillance grid police state. Primakov has openly stated that they are working on behalf of Bush and Cheney to complete the ‘Sovietization of America.’

Flashback continues HERE

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The Black Sheep tries to warn its friends with the truth it has seen, unfortunately herd mentality kicks in for the Sheeple, and they run in fear from the black sheep and keep to the safety of their flock.

Having tried to no avail to awaken his peers, the Black Sheep have no other choice but to unite with each other and escape the impending doom.

What color Sheep are you?
